1·Although I will not demonstrate this here, Cactus' Ant support helps facilitate automated testing.
2·It helps facilitate migrations to new versions, or working on remote projects on other server instances.
3·The board is of the opinion that anyone who helps facilitate an illegal transaction could be liable for a forfeiture claim.
4·Decoupling the Browser Request Handler and Resource Request Handler from the business logic layer helps facilitate code reuse, and leads to a flexible and extensible architecture.
从业务逻辑层中解耦browser Request Handler和Resource Request Handler有助于促进代码重用,并能实现灵活和可扩展的架构。
5·This, in turn, helps to facilitate code integration in team environments.
6·The team leader will call meetings, facilitate the discussions, and support your activities; but you're expected to carry out your responsibilities in a way that helps them to carry out theirs.
7·Such a relationship benefits not only the people of both countries but also the Arab world. It helps China to work for peace, facilitate talks and maintain peace and stability of the region.
8·This helps to facilitate dynamic B2B discovery.
9·It plays an important role in human communication: it helps establish, maintain or consolidate harmonious interpersonal relationships and facilitate social interactions.
10·It helps establish, maintain or consolidate harmonious interpersonal relationships and facilitate social interactions.